#! /usr/bin/env perl use strict; use File::Basename; my $total_size = 0; my %roots; my @all_nodes; foreach my $line ( ) { chomp($line); my @parts = split(/\t/, $line); my $op = shift(@parts); my $state = shift(@parts); # Only dealing with allocations here... if ($op !~ /^M:/) { next; } my ($size, $ptr) = ($op =~ /^M: (\d+) 0x(\w+)/); my ($time, $maxrss, $tid) = split(/\s+/, $state); $total_size += $size; sub level_parts($) { my $level = @_[0]; my ($file_name, $proc_name, $off, $pc, $relpc) = ($level =~ /^(.*) \((.*)\+0x(\w+)\) \[0x(\w+) \(0x(\w+)\)\]/); return ($file_name, $proc_name, $off, $pc, $relpc); } # Put the top of the stack first. @parts = reverse(@parts); my $parent = \%roots; for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@parts); ++$i) { my $level = $parts[$i]; my ($file_name, $proc_name, $off, $pc, $relpc) = level_parts($level); # Skip this level if we don't even know from what file it came. if ($file_name eq '?') { next; } # print STDERR "parsed: $file_name, $proc_name, $off, $pc, $relpc\n"; if (!exists $parent->{$pc}) { $parent->{$pc}->{'file_name'} = $file_name; $parent->{$pc}->{'proc_name'} = $proc_name; $parent->{$pc}->{'off'} = $off; $parent->{$pc}->{'pc'} = $pc; $parent->{$pc}->{'relpc'} = $relpc; push(@all_nodes, $parent->{$pc}); } $parent->{$pc}->{'size'} += $size; my ($next_file_name, $next_proc_name, $next_off, $next_pc, $next_relpc); if ($i < scalar(@parts)-1) { my $next_level = $parts[$i+1]; ($next_file_name, $next_proc_name, $next_off, $next_pc, $next_relpc) = level_parts($next_level); $parent->{$pc}->{'child_sizes'}->{$next_pc} += $size; } if (!exists $parent->{'children'}) { $parent->{'children'} = {}; } $parent = $parent->{'children'}; } } sub format_bytes($) { my @sizes = qw( B KB MB GB TB PB ); my $size = $_[0]; my $i = 0; while ($size > 1024) { $size /= 1024; ++$i; } return sprintf("%.3f$sizes[$i]", $size); } printf("digraph \"memlog %s\" {\n", format_bytes($total_size)); print("size=\"8,11\"\n"); print("node [width=0.375,height=0.25];\n"); my %cached_names; sub get_name($) { my $node = $_[0]; my $pc = $node->{'pc'}; if (exists $cached_names{$pc}) { return $cached_names{$pc}; } my $ret = ''; # Prefer the relative offset (that is what we want for shared libraries), but # if is not available, use the full offset (which is what we want for the # base executable). my $exe_off = $node->{'relpc'}; if (!$exe_off) { $exe_off = $pc; } my $file_name = $node->{'file_name'}; my ($func, $loc) = `addr2line -e $file_name -f 0x$exe_off`; chomp($func); chomp($loc); if ($func !~ /^\?/) { $func =~ s/.*\.//; $func = `c++filt '$func'`; chomp($func); $ret .= $func . '\n' . $loc . '\n'; } $ret .= basename($node->{'file_name'}); if ($node->{'proc_name'} ne '?') { $ret .= ' (' . $node->{'proc_name'} . '+0x' . $node->{'off'} . ')'; } $cached_names{$pc} = $ret; return $ret; } foreach my $node (@all_nodes) { my $name = get_name($node); my $local_size = $node->{'size'}; my $fs = 8.0; if ($local_size > 0) { $fs = 50.0 * sqrt(abs($local_size * 1.0 / $total_size)); } printf("N%s [label=\"%s\\n%s\", shape=box,fontsize=%.1f%s];\n", $node->{'pc'}, $name, format_bytes($local_size), $fs); } foreach my $node (@all_nodes) { my $local_size = $node->{'size'}; foreach my $cpc (keys %{$node->{'child_sizes'}}) { my $child_size = $node->{'child_sizes'}->{$cpc}; my $frac = $child_size * 1.0 / $local_size; my $weight = 100.0 * $frac; my $style = sprintf("setlinewidth(%f)", 3.0 * $frac); printf("N%s -> N%s [label=\"%s\", weight=%d, style=\"%s\"];\n", $node->{'pc'}, $cpc, format_bytes($child_size), $weight, $style); } } print("}\n");