#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // NOTE: When static linking, this depends on linker wrapping. // Add to your LDFLAGS: // -Wl,--wrap,malloc,--wrap,free,--wrap,realloc,--wrap,calloc,--wrap,memalign /path/to/memlog_s.o -lpthread -ldl FILE *log_file = NULL; static pthread_mutex_t log_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; // The malloc hook might use functions that call malloc, and we need to make // sure this does not cause an infinite loop. static __thread int in_malloc = 0; static char self_path[PATH_MAX+1] = { '\0' }; __attribute__((__constructor__)) static void record_init() { struct utsname u; uname(&u); char log_name[PATH_MAX+1]; snprintf(log_name, PATH_MAX+1, "%s.%d.memlog", u.nodename, getpid()); log_file = fopen(log_name, "w"); if (!log_file) fprintf(stderr, "fopen failed for '%s': %m\n", log_name); const char *link_name = "/proc/self/exe"; readlink(link_name, self_path, PATH_MAX); } __attribute__((__destructor__)) static void record_cleanup() { if (!log_file) return; // These functions might call free, but we're shutting down, so don't try to // unwind the stack from here... in_malloc = 1; // Avoid any racing by obtaining the lock. if (pthread_mutex_lock(&log_mutex)) return; (void) fflush(log_file); (void) fclose(log_file); } // dladdr is, relatively, quit slow. For this to work on a large application, // we need to cache the lookup results. static int dladdr_cached(void *addr, Dl_info *info) { return dladdr(addr, info); } static void print_context(const void *caller, int show_backtrace) { struct rusage usage; if (getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &usage)) { fprintf(stderr, "getrusage failed: %m\n"); return; } fprintf(log_file, "\t%ld.%06ld %ld %ld", usage.ru_utime.tv_sec, usage.ru_utime.tv_usec, usage.ru_maxrss, syscall(SYS_gettid)); if (!show_backtrace) return; void *pcs[1024]; int num_pcs = backtrace(pcs, 1024); int found_caller = 0; for (int pci = 0; pci < num_pcs; ++pci) { intptr_t pc = (intptr_t) pcs[pci]; if (!pc) break; if (!found_caller) { if (pc != (intptr_t) caller) continue; found_caller = 1; } intptr_t off, relpc; const char *proc_name; const char *file_name; Dl_info dlinfo; if (dladdr_cached((void *) pc, &dlinfo) && dlinfo.dli_fname && *dlinfo.dli_fname) { intptr_t saddr = (intptr_t) dlinfo.dli_saddr; if (saddr) { #if defined(__powerpc64__) && !defined(__powerpc64le__) // On PPC64 ELFv1, the symbol address points to the function descriptor, not // the actual starting address. saddr = *(intptr_t*) saddr; #endif off = pc - saddr; relpc = pc - ((intptr_t) dlinfo.dli_fbase); } else { off = 0; relpc = 0; } proc_name = dlinfo.dli_sname; if (!proc_name) proc_name = "?"; file_name = dlinfo.dli_fname; } else { // We don't know these... off = 0; relpc = 0; proc_name = "?"; // If we can't determine the file, assume it is the base executable // (which does the right thing for statically-linked binaries). file_name = self_path; } fprintf(log_file, "\t%s (%s+0x%x) [0x%lx (0x%lx)]", file_name, proc_name, (int) off, (long) pc, (long) relpc); } } static void record_malloc(size_t size, void *ptr, const void *caller) { if (!log_file) return; if (pthread_mutex_lock(&log_mutex)) return; fprintf(log_file, "M: %zd %p", size, ptr); print_context(caller, 1); fprintf(log_file, "\n"); done: pthread_mutex_unlock(&log_mutex); } static void record_free(void *ptr, const void *caller) { if (!log_file) return; if (pthread_mutex_lock(&log_mutex)) return; fprintf(log_file, "F: %p", ptr); print_context(caller, 0); fprintf(log_file, "\n"); done: pthread_mutex_unlock(&log_mutex); } // glibc exports its underlying malloc implementation under the name // __libc_malloc so that hooks like this can use it. extern void *__libc_malloc(size_t size); extern void *__libc_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size); extern void *__libc_calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size); extern void *__libc_memalign(size_t boundary, size_t size); extern void __libc_free(void *ptr); #ifdef __PIC__ #define FUNC(x) x #else #define FUNC(x) __wrap_ ## x #endif void *FUNC(malloc)(size_t size) { const void *caller = __builtin_extract_return_addr(__builtin_return_address(0)); if (in_malloc) return __libc_malloc(size); in_malloc = 1; void *ptr = __libc_malloc(size); record_malloc(size, ptr, caller); in_malloc = 0; return ptr; } void *FUNC(realloc)(void *ptr, size_t size) { const void *caller = __builtin_extract_return_addr(__builtin_return_address(0)); if (in_malloc) return __libc_realloc(ptr, size); in_malloc = 1; void *nptr = __libc_realloc(ptr, size); if (ptr) record_free(ptr, caller); record_malloc(size, nptr, caller); in_malloc = 0; return nptr; } void *FUNC(calloc)(size_t nmemb, size_t size) { const void *caller = __builtin_extract_return_addr(__builtin_return_address(0)); if (in_malloc) return __libc_calloc(nmemb, size); in_malloc = 1; void *ptr = __libc_calloc(nmemb, size); record_malloc(nmemb*size, ptr, caller); in_malloc = 0; return ptr; } void *FUNC(memalign)(size_t boundary, size_t size) { const void *caller = __builtin_extract_return_addr(__builtin_return_address(0)); if (in_malloc) return __libc_memalign(boundary, size); in_malloc = 1; void *ptr = __libc_memalign(boundary, size); record_malloc(size, ptr, caller); in_malloc = 0; return ptr; } void FUNC(free)(void *ptr) { const void *caller = __builtin_extract_return_addr(__builtin_return_address(0)); if (in_malloc || !ptr) return __libc_free(ptr); in_malloc = 1; record_free(ptr, caller); __libc_free(ptr); in_malloc = 0; }