# Copyright (C) 2015, UChicago Argonne, LLC # All Rights Reserved # # Generic IO (ANL-15-066) # Hal Finkel, Argonne National Laboratory # # OPEN SOURCE LICENSE # # Under the terms of Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 with UChicago Argonne, # LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the names of UChicago Argonne, LLC or the Department of Energy # nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote # products derived from this software without specific prior written # permission. # # ***************************************************************************** # # DISCLAIMER # THE SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. NEITHER THE # UNTED STATES GOVERNMENT, NOR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR # UCHICAGO ARGONNE, LLC, NOR ANY OF THEIR EMPLOYEES, MAKES ANY WARRANTY, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OR ASSUMES ANY LEGAL LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE # ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, OR USEFULNESS OF ANY INFORMATION, DATA, APPARATUS, # PRODUCT, OR PROCESS DISCLOSED, OR REPRESENTS THAT ITS USE WOULD NOT INFRINGE # PRIVATELY OWNED RIGHTS. # # ***************************************************************************** CC = gcc CXX = g++ MPICC = mpicc MPICXX = mpicxx all: fe-progs mpi-progs sql: fe-sqlite FEDIR = frontend FE_CFLAGS := -g -fPIC -O3 -fopenmp FE_CPPFLAGS := -Ithirdparty/blosc -Ithirdparty/sqlite -DGENERICIO_NO_MPI MPIDIR = mpi MPI_CFLAGS := -g -O3 -fopenmp MPI_CPPFLAGS := -Ithirdparty/blosc $(FEDIR): mkdir -p $(FEDIR) $(FEDIR)/%.o: thirdparty/blosc/%.c | $(FEDIR) $(CC) $(FE_CFLAGS) $(FE_CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< $(FEDIR)/%.o: %.cxx | $(FEDIR) $(CXX) $(FE_CFLAGS) $(FE_CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< $(FEDIR)/GenericIOPrint: $(FEDIR)/GenericIOPrint.o $(FEDIR)/GenericIO.o $(FEDIR)/blosc.o $(FEDIR)/blosclz.o $(FEDIR)/shuffle.o $(CXX) $(FE_CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(FEDIR)/GenericIOVerify: $(FEDIR)/GenericIOVerify.o $(FEDIR)/GenericIO.o $(FEDIR)/blosc.o $(FEDIR)/blosclz.o $(FEDIR)/shuffle.o $(CXX) $(FE_CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ FE_UNAME := $(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(FE_UNAME),Darwin) FE_SHARED := -bundle else FE_SHARED := -shared endif $(FEDIR)/GenericIOSQLite.so: $(FEDIR)/GenericIOSQLite.o $(FEDIR)/GenericIO.o $(CXX) $(FE_CFLAGS) $(FE_SHARED) -o $@ $^ SQLITE_CPPFLAGS := -DSQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA=1 -DSQLITE_DISABLE_DIRSYNC=1 -DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3=3 -DSQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE=1 -DSQLITE_ENABLE_UNLOCK_NOTIFY=1 -DSQLITE_ENABLE_LOAD_EXTENSION=1 -DHAVE_READLINE=1 $(FEDIR)/sqbuild: mkdir -p $(FEDIR)/sqbuild $(FEDIR)/sqbuild/%.o: thirdparty/sqlite/%.c | $(FEDIR)/sqbuild $(CC) $(FE_CFLAGS) $(FE_CPPFLAGS) $(SQLITE_CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< $(FEDIR)/sqlite3: $(FEDIR)/sqbuild/sqlite3.o $(FEDIR)/sqbuild/shell.o $(CC) $(FE_CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ -pthread -lreadline -lrt -ldl $(MPIDIR): mkdir -p $(MPIDIR) $(MPIDIR)/%.o: thirdparty/blosc/%.c | $(MPIDIR) $(MPICC) $(MPI_CFLAGS) $(MPI_CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< $(MPIDIR)/%.o: %.cxx | $(MPIDIR) $(MPICXX) $(MPI_CFLAGS) $(MPI_CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $< $(MPIDIR)/GenericIOPrint: $(MPIDIR)/GenericIOPrint.o $(MPIDIR)/GenericIO.o $(MPIDIR)/blosc.o $(MPIDIR)/blosclz.o $(MPIDIR)/shuffle.o $(MPICXX) $(MPI_CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(MPIDIR)/GenericIOVerify: $(MPIDIR)/GenericIOVerify.o $(MPIDIR)/GenericIO.o $(MPIDIR)/blosc.o $(MPIDIR)/blosclz.o $(MPIDIR)/shuffle.o $(MPICXX) $(MPI_CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(MPIDIR)/GenericIOBenchmarkRead: $(MPIDIR)/GenericIOBenchmarkRead.o $(MPIDIR)/GenericIO.o $(MPIDIR)/blosc.o $(MPIDIR)/blosclz.o $(MPIDIR)/shuffle.o $(MPICXX) $(MPI_CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(MPIDIR)/GenericIOBenchmarkWrite: $(MPIDIR)/GenericIOBenchmarkWrite.o $(MPIDIR)/GenericIO.o $(MPIDIR)/blosc.o $(MPIDIR)/blosclz.o $(MPIDIR)/shuffle.o $(MPICXX) $(MPI_CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ frontend-progs: $(FEDIR)/GenericIOPrint $(FEDIR)/GenericIOVerify fe-progs: frontend-progs mpi-progs: $(MPIDIR)/GenericIOPrint $(MPIDIR)/GenericIOVerify $(MPIDIR)/GenericIOBenchmarkRead $(MPIDIR)/GenericIOBenchmarkWrite frontend-sqlite: $(FEDIR)/GenericIOSQLite.so $(FEDIR)/sqlite3 fe-sqlite: frontend-sqlite clean: rm -rf frontend mpi