#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600 #include "CRC64.h" #include "GenericIO.h" extern "C" { #include "blosc.h" } #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI #include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef __bgq__ #include #include #include #endif #ifndef MPI_UINT64_T #define MPI_UINT64_T (sizeof(long) == 8 ? MPI_LONG : MPI_LONG_LONG) #endif using namespace std; namespace gio { #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI GenericFileIO_MPI::~GenericFileIO_MPI() { (void) MPI_File_close(&FH); } void GenericFileIO_MPI::open(const std::string &FN, bool ForReading) { FileName = FN; int amode = ForReading ? MPI_MODE_RDONLY : (MPI_MODE_WRONLY | MPI_MODE_CREATE); if (MPI_File_open(Comm, const_cast(FileName.c_str()), amode, MPI_INFO_NULL, &FH) != MPI_SUCCESS) throw runtime_error((!ForReading ? "Unable to create the file: " : "Unable to open the file: ") + FileName); } void GenericFileIO_MPI::setSize(size_t sz) { if (MPI_File_set_size(FH, sz) != MPI_SUCCESS) throw runtime_error("Unable to set size for file: " + FileName); } void GenericFileIO_MPI::read(void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset, const std::string &D) { while (count > 0) { MPI_Status status; if (MPI_File_read_at(FH, offset, buf, count, MPI_BYTE, &status) != MPI_SUCCESS) throw runtime_error("Unable to read " + D + " from file: " + FileName); int scount; (void) MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_BYTE, &scount); count -= scount; buf = ((char *) buf) + scount; offset += scount; } } void GenericFileIO_MPI::write(const void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset, const std::string &D) { while (count > 0) { MPI_Status status; if (MPI_File_write_at(FH, offset, (void *) buf, count, MPI_BYTE, &status) != MPI_SUCCESS) throw runtime_error("Unable to write " + D + " to file: " + FileName); int scount; (void) MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_BYTE, &scount); count -= scount; buf = ((char *) buf) + scount; offset += scount; } } void GenericFileIO_MPICollective::read(void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset, const std::string &D) { int Continue = 0; do { MPI_Status status; if (MPI_File_read_at_all(FH, offset, buf, count, MPI_BYTE, &status) != MPI_SUCCESS) throw runtime_error("Unable to read " + D + " from file: " + FileName); int scount; (void) MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_BYTE, &scount); count -= scount; buf = ((char *) buf) + scount; offset += scount; int NeedContinue = (count > 0); MPI_Allreduce(&NeedContinue, &Continue, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, Comm); } while (Continue); } void GenericFileIO_MPICollective::write(const void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset, const std::string &D) { int Continue = 0; do { MPI_Status status; if (MPI_File_write_at_all(FH, offset, (void *) buf, count, MPI_BYTE, &status) != MPI_SUCCESS) throw runtime_error("Unable to write " + D + " to file: " + FileName); int scount; (void) MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_BYTE, &scount); count -= scount; buf = ((char *) buf) + scount; offset += scount; int NeedContinue = (count > 0); MPI_Allreduce(&NeedContinue, &Continue, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, Comm); } while (Continue); } #endif GenericFileIO_POSIX::~GenericFileIO_POSIX() { if (FH != -1) close(FH); } void GenericFileIO_POSIX::open(const std::string &FN, bool ForReading) { FileName = FN; int flags = ForReading ? O_RDONLY : (O_WRONLY | O_CREAT); int mode = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP; errno = 0; if ((FH = ::open(FileName.c_str(), flags, mode)) == -1) throw runtime_error((!ForReading ? "Unable to create the file: " : "Unable to open the file: ") + FileName + ": " + strerror(errno)); } void GenericFileIO_POSIX::setSize(size_t sz) { if (ftruncate(FH, sz) == -1) throw runtime_error("Unable to set size for file: " + FileName); } void GenericFileIO_POSIX::read(void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset, const std::string &D) { while (count > 0) { ssize_t scount; errno = 0; if ((scount = pread(FH, buf, count, offset)) == -1) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; throw runtime_error("Unable to read " + D + " from file: " + FileName); } count -= scount; buf = ((char *) buf) + scount; offset += scount; } } void GenericFileIO_POSIX::write(const void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset, const std::string &D) { while (count > 0) { ssize_t scount; errno = 0; if ((scount = pwrite(FH, buf, count, offset)) == -1) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; throw runtime_error("Unable to write " + D + " to file: " + FileName); } count -= scount; buf = ((char *) buf) + scount; offset += scount; } } static bool isBigEndian() { const uint32_t one = 1; return !(*((char *)(&one))); } static const size_t CRCSize = 8; static const size_t MagicSize = 8; static const char *MagicBE = "HACC01B"; static const char *MagicLE = "HACC01L"; struct GlobalHeader { char Magic[MagicSize]; uint64_t HeaderSize; uint64_t NElems; // The global total uint64_t Dims[3]; uint64_t NVars; uint64_t VarsSize; uint64_t VarsStart; uint64_t NRanks; uint64_t RanksSize; uint64_t RanksStart; uint64_t GlobalHeaderSize; double PhysOrigin[3]; double PhysScale[3]; uint64_t BlocksSize; uint64_t BlocksStart; } __attribute__((packed)); enum { FloatValue = (1 << 0), SignedValue = (1 << 1), ValueIsPhysCoordX = (1 << 2), ValueIsPhysCoordY = (1 << 3), ValueIsPhysCoordZ = (1 << 4), ValueMaybePhysGhost = (1 << 5) }; static const size_t NameSize = 256; struct VariableHeader { char Name[NameSize]; uint64_t Flags; uint64_t Size; } __attribute__((packed)); struct RankHeader { uint64_t Coords[3]; uint64_t NElems; uint64_t Start; uint64_t GlobalRank; } __attribute__((packed)); static const size_t FilterNameSize = 8; static const size_t MaxFilters = 4; struct BlockHeader { char Filters[MaxFilters][FilterNameSize]; uint64_t Start; uint64_t Size; } __attribute__((packed)); struct CompressHeader { uint64_t OrigCRC; } __attribute__((packed)); const char *CompressName = "BLOSC"; unsigned GenericIO::DefaultFileIOType = FileIOPOSIX; int GenericIO::DefaultPartition = 0; bool GenericIO::DefaultShouldCompress = false; #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI std::size_t GenericIO::CollectiveMPIIOThreshold = 0; #endif static bool blosc_initialized = false; #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI // Note: writing errors are not currently recoverable (one rank may fail // while the others don't). void GenericIO::write() { const char *Magic = isBigEndian() ? MagicBE : MagicLE; uint64_t FileSize = 0; int NRanks, Rank; MPI_Comm_rank(Comm, &Rank); MPI_Comm_size(Comm, &NRanks); #ifdef __bgq__ MPI_Barrier(Comm); #endif MPI_Comm_split(Comm, Partition, Rank, &SplitComm); int SplitNRanks, SplitRank; MPI_Comm_rank(SplitComm, &SplitRank); MPI_Comm_size(SplitComm, &SplitNRanks); string LocalFileName; if (SplitNRanks != NRanks) { if (Rank == 0) { // In split mode, the specified file becomes the rank map, and the real // data is partitioned. vector MapRank, MapPartition; MapRank.resize(NRanks); for (int i = 0; i < NRanks; ++i) MapRank[i] = i; MapPartition.resize(NRanks); MPI_Gather(&Partition, 1, MPI_INT, &MapPartition[0], 1, MPI_INT, 0, Comm); GenericIO GIO(MPI_COMM_SELF, FileName, FileIOType); GIO.setNumElems(NRanks); GIO.addVariable("$rank", MapRank); /* this is for use by humans; the reading code assumes that the partitions are in rank order */ GIO.addVariable("$partition", MapPartition); vector CX, CY, CZ; int TopoStatus; MPI_Topo_test(Comm, &TopoStatus); if (TopoStatus == MPI_CART) { CX.resize(NRanks); CY.resize(NRanks); CZ.resize(NRanks); for (int i = 0; i < NRanks; ++i) { int C[3]; MPI_Cart_coords(Comm, i, 3, C); CX[i] = C[0]; CY[i] = C[1]; CZ[i] = C[2]; } GIO.addVariable("$x", CX); GIO.addVariable("$y", CY); GIO.addVariable("$z", CZ); } GIO.write(); } else { MPI_Gather(&Partition, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_INT, 0, Comm); } stringstream ss; ss << FileName << "#" << Partition; LocalFileName = ss.str(); } else { LocalFileName = FileName; } RankHeader RHLocal; int Dims[3], Periods[3], Coords[3]; int TopoStatus; MPI_Topo_test(Comm, &TopoStatus); if (TopoStatus == MPI_CART) { MPI_Cart_get(Comm, 3, Dims, Periods, Coords); } else { Dims[0] = NRanks; std::fill(Dims + 1, Dims + 3, 1); std::fill(Periods, Periods + 3, 0); Coords[0] = Rank; std::fill(Coords + 1, Coords + 3, 0); } std::copy(Coords, Coords + 3, RHLocal.Coords); RHLocal.NElems = NElems; RHLocal.Start = 0; RHLocal.GlobalRank = Rank; bool ShouldCompress = DefaultShouldCompress; const char *EnvStr = getenv("GENERICIO_COMPRESS"); if (EnvStr) { int Mod = atoi(EnvStr); ShouldCompress = (Mod > 0); } bool NeedsBlockHeaders = ShouldCompress; EnvStr = getenv("GENERICIO_FORCE_BLOCKS"); if (!NeedsBlockHeaders && EnvStr) { int Mod = atoi(EnvStr); NeedsBlockHeaders = (Mod > 0); } vector LocalBlockHeaders; vector LocalData; vector LocalHasExtraSpace; vector > LocalCData; if (NeedsBlockHeaders) { LocalBlockHeaders.resize(Vars.size()); LocalData.resize(Vars.size()); LocalHasExtraSpace.resize(Vars.size()); if (ShouldCompress) LocalCData.resize(Vars.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < Vars.size(); ++i) { // Filters null by default, leave null starting address (needs to be // calculated by the header-writing rank). memset(&LocalBlockHeaders[i], 0, sizeof(BlockHeader)); if (ShouldCompress) { LocalCData[i].resize(sizeof(CompressHeader)); CompressHeader *CH = (CompressHeader*) &LocalCData[i][0]; CH->OrigCRC = crc64_omp(Vars[i].Data, Vars[i].Size*NElems); #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp master { #endif if (!blosc_initialized) { blosc_init(); blosc_initialized = true; } #ifdef _OPENMP blosc_set_nthreads(omp_get_max_threads()); } #endif LocalCData[i].resize(LocalCData[i].size() + NElems*Vars[i].Size); if (blosc_compress(9, 1, Vars[i].Size, NElems*Vars[i].Size, Vars[i].Data, &LocalCData[i][0] + sizeof(CompressHeader), NElems*Vars[i].Size) <= 0) goto nocomp; strncpy(LocalBlockHeaders[i].Filters[0], CompressName, FilterNameSize); size_t CNBytes, CCBytes, CBlockSize; blosc_cbuffer_sizes(&LocalCData[i][0] + sizeof(CompressHeader), &CNBytes, &CCBytes, &CBlockSize); LocalCData[i].resize(CCBytes + sizeof(CompressHeader)); LocalBlockHeaders[i].Size = LocalCData[i].size(); LocalCData[i].resize(LocalCData[i].size() + CRCSize); LocalData[i] = &LocalCData[i][0]; LocalHasExtraSpace[i] = true; } else { nocomp: LocalBlockHeaders[i].Size = NElems*Vars[i].Size; LocalData[i] = Vars[i].Data; LocalHasExtraSpace[i] = Vars[i].HasExtraSpace; } } } double StartTime = MPI_Wtime(); if (SplitRank == 0) { uint64_t HeaderSize = sizeof(GlobalHeader) + Vars.size()*sizeof(VariableHeader) + SplitNRanks*sizeof(RankHeader) + CRCSize; if (NeedsBlockHeaders) HeaderSize += SplitNRanks*Vars.size()*sizeof(BlockHeader); vector Header(HeaderSize, 0); GlobalHeader *GH = (GlobalHeader *) &Header[0]; std::copy(Magic, Magic + MagicSize, GH->Magic); GH->HeaderSize = HeaderSize - CRCSize; GH->NElems = NElems; // This will be updated later std::copy(Dims, Dims + 3, GH->Dims); GH->NVars = Vars.size(); GH->VarsSize = sizeof(VariableHeader); GH->VarsStart = sizeof(GlobalHeader); GH->NRanks = SplitNRanks; GH->RanksSize = sizeof(RankHeader); GH->RanksStart = GH->VarsStart + Vars.size()*sizeof(VariableHeader); GH->GlobalHeaderSize = sizeof(GlobalHeader); std::copy(PhysOrigin, PhysOrigin + 3, GH->PhysOrigin); std::copy(PhysScale, PhysScale + 3, GH->PhysScale); if (!NeedsBlockHeaders) { GH->BlocksSize = GH->BlocksStart = 0; } else { GH->BlocksSize = sizeof(BlockHeader); GH->BlocksStart = GH->RanksStart + SplitNRanks*sizeof(RankHeader); } uint64_t RecordSize = 0; VariableHeader *VH = (VariableHeader *) &Header[GH->VarsStart]; for (size_t i = 0; i < Vars.size(); ++i, ++VH) { string VName(Vars[i].Name); VName.resize(NameSize); std::copy(VName.begin(), VName.end(), VH->Name); if (Vars[i].IsFloat) VH->Flags |= FloatValue; if (Vars[i].IsSigned) VH->Flags |= SignedValue; if (Vars[i].IsPhysCoordX) VH->Flags |= ValueIsPhysCoordX; if (Vars[i].IsPhysCoordY) VH->Flags |= ValueIsPhysCoordY; if (Vars[i].IsPhysCoordZ) VH->Flags |= ValueIsPhysCoordZ; if (Vars[i].MaybePhysGhost) VH->Flags |= ValueMaybePhysGhost; RecordSize += VH->Size = Vars[i].Size; } MPI_Gather(&RHLocal, sizeof(RHLocal), MPI_BYTE, &Header[GH->RanksStart], sizeof(RHLocal), MPI_BYTE, 0, SplitComm); if (NeedsBlockHeaders) { MPI_Gather(&LocalBlockHeaders[0], Vars.size()*sizeof(BlockHeader), MPI_BYTE, &Header[GH->BlocksStart], Vars.size()*sizeof(BlockHeader), MPI_BYTE, 0, SplitComm); BlockHeader *BH = (BlockHeader *) &Header[GH->BlocksStart]; for (int i = 0; i < SplitNRanks; ++i) for (size_t j = 0; j < Vars.size(); ++j, ++BH) { if (i == 0 && j == 0) BH->Start = HeaderSize; else BH->Start = BH[-1].Start + BH[-1].Size + CRCSize; } RankHeader *RH = (RankHeader *) &Header[GH->RanksStart]; RH->Start = HeaderSize; ++RH; for (int i = 1; i < SplitNRanks; ++i, ++RH) { RH->Start = ((BlockHeader *) &Header[GH->BlocksStart])[i*Vars.size()].Start; GH->NElems += RH->NElems; } // Compute the total file size. uint64_t LastData = BH[-1].Size + CRCSize; FileSize = BH[-1].Start + LastData; } else { RankHeader *RH = (RankHeader *) &Header[GH->RanksStart]; RH->Start = HeaderSize; ++RH; for (int i = 1; i < SplitNRanks; ++i, ++RH) { uint64_t PrevNElems = RH[-1].NElems; uint64_t PrevData = PrevNElems*RecordSize + CRCSize*Vars.size(); RH->Start = RH[-1].Start + PrevData; GH->NElems += RH->NElems; } // Compute the total file size. uint64_t LastNElems = RH[-1].NElems; uint64_t LastData = LastNElems*RecordSize + CRCSize*Vars.size(); FileSize = RH[-1].Start + LastData; } // Now that the starting offset has been computed, send it back to each rank. MPI_Scatter(&Header[GH->RanksStart], sizeof(RHLocal), MPI_BYTE, &RHLocal, sizeof(RHLocal), MPI_BYTE, 0, SplitComm); if (NeedsBlockHeaders) MPI_Scatter(&Header[GH->BlocksStart], sizeof(BlockHeader)*Vars.size(), MPI_BYTE, &LocalBlockHeaders[0], sizeof(BlockHeader)*Vars.size(), MPI_BYTE, 0, SplitComm); uint64_t HeaderCRC = crc64_omp(&Header[0], HeaderSize - CRCSize); crc64_invert(HeaderCRC, &Header[HeaderSize - CRCSize]); if (FileIOType == FileIOMPI) FH.get() = new GenericFileIO_MPI(MPI_COMM_SELF); else if (FileIOType == FileIOMPICollective) FH.get() = new GenericFileIO_MPICollective(MPI_COMM_SELF); else FH.get() = new GenericFileIO_POSIX(); FH.get()->open(LocalFileName); FH.get()->setSize(FileSize); FH.get()->write(&Header[0], HeaderSize, 0, "header"); close(); } else { MPI_Gather(&RHLocal, sizeof(RHLocal), MPI_BYTE, 0, 0, MPI_BYTE, 0, SplitComm); if (NeedsBlockHeaders) MPI_Gather(&LocalBlockHeaders[0], Vars.size()*sizeof(BlockHeader), MPI_BYTE, 0, 0, MPI_BYTE, 0, SplitComm); MPI_Scatter(0, 0, MPI_BYTE, &RHLocal, sizeof(RHLocal), MPI_BYTE, 0, SplitComm); if (NeedsBlockHeaders) MPI_Scatter(0, 0, MPI_BYTE, &LocalBlockHeaders[0], sizeof(BlockHeader)*Vars.size(), MPI_BYTE, 0, SplitComm); } MPI_Barrier(SplitComm); if (FileIOType == FileIOMPI) FH.get() = new GenericFileIO_MPI(SplitComm); else if (FileIOType == FileIOMPICollective) FH.get() = new GenericFileIO_MPICollective(SplitComm); else FH.get() = new GenericFileIO_POSIX(); FH.get()->open(LocalFileName); uint64_t Offset = RHLocal.Start; for (size_t i = 0; i < Vars.size(); ++i) { uint64_t WriteSize = NeedsBlockHeaders ? LocalBlockHeaders[i].Size : NElems*Vars[i].Size; void *Data = NeedsBlockHeaders ? LocalData[i] : Vars[i].Data; uint64_t CRC = crc64_omp(Data, WriteSize); bool HasExtraSpace = NeedsBlockHeaders ? LocalHasExtraSpace[i] : Vars[i].HasExtraSpace; char *CRCLoc = HasExtraSpace ? ((char *) Data) + WriteSize : (char *) &CRC; if (NeedsBlockHeaders) Offset = LocalBlockHeaders[i].Start; // When using extra space for the CRC write, preserve the original contents. char CRCSave[CRCSize]; if (HasExtraSpace) std::copy(CRCLoc, CRCLoc + CRCSize, CRCSave); crc64_invert(CRC, CRCLoc); if (HasExtraSpace) { FH.get()->write(Data, WriteSize + CRCSize, Offset, Vars[i].Name + " with CRC"); } else { FH.get()->write(Data, WriteSize, Offset, Vars[i].Name); FH.get()->write(CRCLoc, CRCSize, Offset + WriteSize, Vars[i].Name + " CRC"); } if (HasExtraSpace) std::copy(CRCSave, CRCSave + CRCSize, CRCLoc); Offset += WriteSize + CRCSize; } close(); MPI_Barrier(Comm); double EndTime = MPI_Wtime(); double TotalTime = EndTime - StartTime; double MaxTotalTime; MPI_Reduce(&TotalTime, &MaxTotalTime, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, 0, Comm); if (SplitNRanks != NRanks) { uint64_t ContribFileSize = (SplitRank == 0) ? FileSize : 0; MPI_Reduce(&ContribFileSize, &FileSize, 1, MPI_UINT64_T, MPI_SUM, 0, Comm); } if (Rank == 0) { double Rate = ((double) FileSize) / MaxTotalTime / (1024.*1024.); cout << "Wrote " << Vars.size() << " variables to " << FileName << " (" << FileSize << " bytes) in " << MaxTotalTime << "s: " << Rate << " MB/s" << endl; } MPI_Comm_free(&SplitComm); SplitComm = MPI_COMM_NULL; } #endif // GENERICIO_NO_MPI // Note: Errors from this function should be recoverable. This means that if // one rank throws an exception, then all ranks should. void GenericIO::openAndReadHeader(bool MustMatch, int EffRank, bool CheckPartMap) { const char *Magic = isBigEndian() ? MagicBE : MagicLE; const char *MagicInv = isBigEndian() ? MagicLE : MagicBE; int NRanks, Rank; #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI MPI_Comm_rank(Comm, &Rank); MPI_Comm_size(Comm, &NRanks); #else Rank = 0; NRanks = 1; #endif if (EffRank == -1) EffRank = Rank; if (RankMap.empty() && CheckPartMap) { // First, check to see if the file is a rank map. unsigned long RanksInMap = 0; if (Rank == 0) { try { #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI GenericIO GIO(MPI_COMM_SELF, FileName, FileIOType); #else GenericIO GIO(FileName, FileIOType); #endif GIO.openAndReadHeader(true, 0, false); RanksInMap = GIO.readNumElems(); RankMap.resize(RanksInMap + GIO.requestedExtraSpace()/sizeof(int)); GIO.addVariable("$partition", RankMap, true); GIO.readData(0, false); RankMap.resize(RanksInMap); } catch (...) { RankMap.clear(); RanksInMap = 0; } } #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI MPI_Bcast(&RanksInMap, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, 0, Comm); if (RanksInMap > 0) { RankMap.resize(RanksInMap); MPI_Bcast(&RankMap[0], RanksInMap, MPI_INT, 0, Comm); } #endif } #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI if (SplitComm != MPI_COMM_NULL) MPI_Comm_free(&SplitComm); #endif string LocalFileName; if (RankMap.empty()) { LocalFileName = FileName; #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI MPI_Comm_dup(Comm, &SplitComm); #endif } else { stringstream ss; ss << FileName << "#" << RankMap[EffRank]; LocalFileName = ss.str(); #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI #ifdef __bgq__ MPI_Barrier(Comm); #endif MPI_Comm_split(Comm, RankMap[EffRank], Rank, &SplitComm); #endif } if (LocalFileName == OpenFileName) return; FH.close(); int SplitNRanks, SplitRank; #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI MPI_Comm_rank(SplitComm, &SplitRank); MPI_Comm_size(SplitComm, &SplitNRanks); #else SplitRank = 0; SplitNRanks = 1; #endif uint64_t HeaderSize; vector Header; if (SplitRank == 0) { #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI if (FileIOType == FileIOMPI) FH.get() = new GenericFileIO_MPI(MPI_COMM_SELF); else if (FileIOType == FileIOMPICollective) FH.get() = new GenericFileIO_MPICollective(MPI_COMM_SELF); else #endif FH.get() = new GenericFileIO_POSIX(); #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI char True = 1, False = 0; #endif try { FH.get()->open(LocalFileName, true); GlobalHeader GH; FH.get()->read(&GH, sizeof(GlobalHeader), 0, "global header"); if (string(GH.Magic, GH.Magic + MagicSize - 1) != Magic) { string Error; if (string(GH.Magic, GH.Magic + MagicSize - 1) == MagicInv) { Error = "wrong endianness"; } else { Error = "invalid file-type identifier"; } throw runtime_error("Won't read " + LocalFileName + ": " + Error); } if (MustMatch) { if (SplitNRanks != (int) GH.NRanks) { stringstream ss; ss << "Won't read " << LocalFileName << ": communicator-size mismatch: " << "current: " << SplitNRanks << ", file: " << GH.NRanks; throw runtime_error(ss.str()); } #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI int TopoStatus; MPI_Topo_test(Comm, &TopoStatus); if (TopoStatus == MPI_CART) { int Dims[3], Periods[3], Coords[3]; MPI_Cart_get(Comm, 3, Dims, Periods, Coords); bool DimsMatch = true; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if ((uint64_t) Dims[i] != GH.Dims[i]) { DimsMatch = false; break; } } if (!DimsMatch) { stringstream ss; ss << "Won't read " << LocalFileName << ": communicator-decomposition mismatch: " << "current: " << Dims[0] << "x" << Dims[1] << "x" << Dims[2] << ", file: " << GH.Dims[0] << "x" << GH.Dims[1] << "x" << GH.Dims[2]; throw runtime_error(ss.str()); } } #endif } HeaderSize = GH.HeaderSize; Header.resize(HeaderSize + CRCSize, 0xFE /* poison */); FH.get()->read(&Header[0], HeaderSize + CRCSize, 0, "header"); uint64_t CRC = crc64_omp(&Header[0], HeaderSize + CRCSize); if (CRC != (uint64_t) -1) { throw runtime_error("Header CRC check failed: " + LocalFileName); } #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI close(); MPI_Bcast(&True, 1, MPI_BYTE, 0, SplitComm); #endif } catch (...) { #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI MPI_Bcast(&False, 1, MPI_BYTE, 0, SplitComm); #endif close(); throw; } } else { #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI char Okay; MPI_Bcast(&Okay, 1, MPI_BYTE, 0, SplitComm); if (!Okay) throw runtime_error("Failure broadcast from rank 0"); #endif } #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI MPI_Bcast(&HeaderSize, 1, MPI_UINT64_T, 0, SplitComm); #endif Header.resize(HeaderSize, 0xFD /* poison */); #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI MPI_Bcast(&Header[0], HeaderSize, MPI_BYTE, 0, SplitComm); #endif FH.getHeaderCache().clear(); FH.getHeaderCache().swap(Header); OpenFileName = LocalFileName; #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI MPI_Barrier(Comm); if (FileIOType == FileIOMPI) FH.get() = new GenericFileIO_MPI(SplitComm); else if (FileIOType == FileIOMPICollective) FH.get() = new GenericFileIO_MPICollective(SplitComm); else FH.get() = new GenericFileIO_POSIX(); int OpenErr = 0, TotOpenErr; try { FH.get()->open(LocalFileName, true); MPI_Allreduce(&OpenErr, &TotOpenErr, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, Comm); } catch (...) { OpenErr = 1; MPI_Allreduce(&OpenErr, &TotOpenErr, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, Comm); throw; } if (TotOpenErr > 0) { stringstream ss; ss << TotOpenErr << " ranks failed to open file: " << LocalFileName; throw runtime_error(ss.str()); } #endif } int GenericIO::readNRanks() { if (RankMap.size()) return RankMap.size(); assert(FH.getHeaderCache().size() && "HeaderCache must not be empty"); GlobalHeader *GH = (GlobalHeader *) &FH.getHeaderCache()[0]; return (int) GH->NRanks; } void GenericIO::readDims(int Dims[3]) { assert(FH.getHeaderCache().size() && "HeaderCache must not be empty"); GlobalHeader *GH = (GlobalHeader *) &FH.getHeaderCache()[0]; std::copy(GH->Dims, GH->Dims + 3, Dims); } uint64_t GenericIO::readTotalNumElems() { if (RankMap.size()) return (uint64_t) -1; assert(FH.getHeaderCache().size() && "HeaderCache must not be empty"); GlobalHeader *GH = (GlobalHeader *) &FH.getHeaderCache()[0]; return GH->NElems; } void GenericIO::readPhysOrigin(double Origin[3]) { assert(FH.getHeaderCache().size() && "HeaderCache must not be empty"); GlobalHeader *GH = (GlobalHeader *) &FH.getHeaderCache()[0]; if (offsetof(GlobalHeader, PhysOrigin) >= GH->GlobalHeaderSize) { std::fill(Origin, Origin + 3, 0.0); return; } std::copy(GH->PhysOrigin, GH->PhysOrigin + 3, Origin); } void GenericIO::readPhysScale(double Scale[3]) { assert(FH.getHeaderCache().size() && "HeaderCache must not be empty"); GlobalHeader *GH = (GlobalHeader *) &FH.getHeaderCache()[0]; if (offsetof(GlobalHeader, PhysScale) >= GH->GlobalHeaderSize) { std::fill(Scale, Scale + 3, 0.0); return; } std::copy(GH->PhysScale, GH->PhysScale + 3, Scale); } static size_t getRankIndex(int EffRank, GlobalHeader *GH, vector &RankMap, vector &HeaderCache) { if (offsetof(RankHeader, GlobalRank) >= GH->RanksSize || RankMap.empty()) return EffRank; for (size_t i = 0; i < GH->NRanks; ++i) { RankHeader *RH = (RankHeader *) &HeaderCache[GH->RanksStart + i*GH->RanksSize]; if ((int) RH->GlobalRank == EffRank) return i; } assert(false && "Index requested of an invalid rank"); return (size_t) -1; } int GenericIO::readGlobalRankNumber(int EffRank) { if (EffRank == -1) { #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI MPI_Comm_rank(Comm, &EffRank); #else EffRank = 0; #endif } openAndReadHeader(false, EffRank, false); assert(FH.getHeaderCache().size() && "HeaderCache must not be empty"); GlobalHeader *GH = (GlobalHeader *) &FH.getHeaderCache()[0]; size_t RankIndex = getRankIndex(EffRank, GH, RankMap, FH.getHeaderCache()); assert(RankIndex < GH->NRanks && "Invalid rank specified"); if (offsetof(RankHeader, GlobalRank) >= GH->RanksSize) return EffRank; RankHeader *RH = (RankHeader *) &FH.getHeaderCache()[GH->RanksStart + RankIndex*GH->RanksSize]; return (int) RH->GlobalRank; } size_t GenericIO::readNumElems(int EffRank) { if (EffRank == -1) { #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI MPI_Comm_rank(Comm, &EffRank); #else EffRank = 0; #endif } openAndReadHeader(false, EffRank, false); assert(FH.getHeaderCache().size() && "HeaderCache must not be empty"); GlobalHeader *GH = (GlobalHeader *) &FH.getHeaderCache()[0]; size_t RankIndex = getRankIndex(EffRank, GH, RankMap, FH.getHeaderCache()); assert(RankIndex < GH->NRanks && "Invalid rank specified"); RankHeader *RH = (RankHeader *) &FH.getHeaderCache()[GH->RanksStart + RankIndex*GH->RanksSize]; return (size_t) RH->NElems; } void GenericIO::readCoords(int Coords[3], int EffRank) { if (EffRank == -1) { #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI MPI_Comm_rank(Comm, &EffRank); #else EffRank = 0; #endif } openAndReadHeader(false, EffRank, false); assert(FH.getHeaderCache().size() && "HeaderCache must not be empty"); GlobalHeader *GH = (GlobalHeader *) &FH.getHeaderCache()[0]; size_t RankIndex = getRankIndex(EffRank, GH, RankMap, FH.getHeaderCache()); assert(RankIndex < GH->NRanks && "Invalid rank specified"); RankHeader *RH = (RankHeader *) &FH.getHeaderCache()[GH->RanksStart + RankIndex*GH->RanksSize]; std::copy(RH->Coords, RH->Coords + 3, Coords); } // Note: Errors from this function should be recoverable. This means that if // one rank throws an exception, then all ranks should. void GenericIO::readData(int EffRank, bool PrintStats, bool CollStats) { int Rank; #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI MPI_Comm_rank(Comm, &Rank); #else Rank = 0; #endif openAndReadHeader(false, EffRank, false); assert(FH.getHeaderCache().size() && "HeaderCache must not be empty"); if (EffRank == -1) EffRank = Rank; GlobalHeader *GH = (GlobalHeader *) &FH.getHeaderCache()[0]; size_t RankIndex = getRankIndex(EffRank, GH, RankMap, FH.getHeaderCache()); assert(RankIndex < GH->NRanks && "Invalid rank specified"); RankHeader *RH = (RankHeader *) &FH.getHeaderCache()[GH->RanksStart + RankIndex*GH->RanksSize]; uint64_t TotalReadSize = 0; #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI double StartTime = MPI_Wtime(); #else double StartTime = double(clock())/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; #endif int NErrs[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; for (size_t i = 0; i < Vars.size(); ++i) { uint64_t Offset = RH->Start; bool VarFound = false; for (uint64_t j = 0; j < GH->NVars; ++j) { VariableHeader *VH = (VariableHeader *) &FH.getHeaderCache()[GH->VarsStart + j*GH->VarsSize]; string VName(VH->Name, VH->Name + NameSize); size_t VNameNull = VName.find('\0'); if (VNameNull < NameSize) VName.resize(VNameNull); uint64_t ReadSize = RH->NElems*VH->Size + CRCSize; if (VName != Vars[i].Name) { Offset += ReadSize; continue; } VarFound = true; bool IsFloat = (bool) (VH->Flags & FloatValue), IsSigned = (bool) (VH->Flags & SignedValue); if (VH->Size != Vars[i].Size) { stringstream ss; ss << "Size mismatch for variable " << Vars[i].Name << " in: " << OpenFileName << ": current: " << Vars[i].Size << ", file: " << VH->Size; throw runtime_error(ss.str()); } else if (IsFloat != Vars[i].IsFloat) { string Float("float"), Int("integer"); stringstream ss; ss << "Type mismatch for variable " << Vars[i].Name << " in: " << OpenFileName << ": current: " << (Vars[i].IsFloat ? Float : Int) << ", file: " << (IsFloat ? Float : Int); throw runtime_error(ss.str()); } else if (IsSigned != Vars[i].IsSigned) { string Signed("signed"), Uns("unsigned"); stringstream ss; ss << "Type mismatch for variable " << Vars[i].Name << " in: " << OpenFileName << ": current: " << (Vars[i].IsSigned ? Signed : Uns) << ", file: " << (IsSigned ? Signed : Uns); throw runtime_error(ss.str()); } vector LData; void *Data = Vars[i].Data; bool HasExtraSpace = Vars[i].HasExtraSpace; if (offsetof(GlobalHeader, BlocksStart) < GH->GlobalHeaderSize && GH->BlocksSize > 0) { BlockHeader *BH = (BlockHeader *) &FH.getHeaderCache()[GH->BlocksStart + (RankIndex*GH->NVars + j)*GH->BlocksSize]; ReadSize = BH->Size + CRCSize; Offset = BH->Start; if (strncmp(BH->Filters[0], CompressName, FilterNameSize) == 0) { LData.resize(ReadSize); Data = &LData[0]; HasExtraSpace = true; } else if (BH->Filters[0][0] != '\0') { stringstream ss; ss << "Unknown filter \"" << BH->Filters[0] << "\" on variable " << Vars[i].Name; throw runtime_error(ss.str()); } } assert(HasExtraSpace && "Extra space required for reading"); char CRCSave[CRCSize]; char *CRCLoc = ((char *) Data) + ReadSize - CRCSize; if (HasExtraSpace) std::copy(CRCLoc, CRCLoc + CRCSize, CRCSave); int Retry = 0; { int RetryCount = 300; const char *EnvStr = getenv("GENERICIO_RETRY_COUNT"); if (EnvStr) RetryCount = atoi(EnvStr); int RetrySleep = 100; // ms EnvStr = getenv("GENERICIO_RETRY_SLEEP"); if (EnvStr) RetrySleep = atoi(EnvStr); for (; Retry < RetryCount; ++Retry) { try { FH.get()->read(Data, ReadSize, Offset, Vars[i].Name); break; } catch (...) { } usleep(1000*RetrySleep); } if (Retry == RetryCount) { ++NErrs[0]; break; } else if (Retry > 0) { EnvStr = getenv("GENERICIO_VERBOSE"); if (EnvStr) { int Mod = atoi(EnvStr); if (Mod > 0) { int Rank; #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &Rank); #else Rank = 0; #endif std::cerr << "Rank " << Rank << ": " << Retry << " I/O retries were necessary for reading " << Vars[i].Name << " from: " << OpenFileName << "\n"; std::cerr.flush(); } } } } TotalReadSize += ReadSize; uint64_t CRC = crc64_omp(Data, ReadSize); if (CRC != (uint64_t) -1) { ++NErrs[1]; int Rank; #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &Rank); #else Rank = 0; #endif // All ranks will do this and have a good time! string dn = "gio_crc_errors"; mkdir(dn.c_str(), 0777); srand(time(0)); int DumpNum = rand(); stringstream ssd; ssd << dn << "/gio_crc_error_dump." << Rank << "." << DumpNum << ".bin"; stringstream ss; ss << dn << "/gio_crc_error_log." << Rank << ".txt"; ofstream ofs(ss.str().c_str(), ofstream::out | ofstream::app); ofs << "On-Disk CRC Error Report:\n"; ofs << "Variable: " << Vars[i].Name << "\n"; ofs << "File: " << OpenFileName << "\n"; ofs << "I/O Retries: " << Retry << "\n"; ofs << "Size: " << ReadSize << " bytes\n"; ofs << "Offset: " << Offset << " bytes\n"; ofs << "CRC: " << CRC << " (expected is -1)\n"; ofs << "Dump file: " << ssd.str() << "\n"; ofs << "\n"; ofs.close(); ofstream dofs(ssd.str().c_str(), ofstream::out); dofs.write((const char *) Data, ReadSize); dofs.close(); break; } if (HasExtraSpace) std::copy(CRCSave, CRCSave + CRCSize, CRCLoc); if (LData.size()) { CompressHeader *CH = (CompressHeader*) &LData[0]; #ifdef _OPENMP #pragma omp master { #endif if (!blosc_initialized) { blosc_init(); blosc_initialized = true; } #ifdef _OPENMP blosc_set_nthreads(omp_get_max_threads()); } #endif blosc_decompress(&LData[0] + sizeof(CompressHeader), Vars[i].Data, Vars[i].Size*RH->NElems); if (CH->OrigCRC != crc64_omp(Vars[i].Data, Vars[i].Size*RH->NElems)) { ++NErrs[2]; break; } } break; } if (!VarFound) throw runtime_error("Variable " + Vars[i].Name + " not found in: " + OpenFileName); // This is for debugging. if (NErrs[0] || NErrs[1] || NErrs[2]) { const char *EnvStr = getenv("GENERICIO_VERBOSE"); if (EnvStr) { int Mod = atoi(EnvStr); if (Mod > 0) { int Rank; #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &Rank); #else Rank = 0; #endif std::cerr << "Rank " << Rank << ": " << NErrs[0] << " I/O error(s), " << NErrs[1] << " CRC error(s) and " << NErrs[2] << " decompression CRC error(s) reading: " << Vars[i].Name << " from: " << OpenFileName << "\n"; std::cerr.flush(); } } } if (NErrs[0] || NErrs[1] || NErrs[2]) break; } int AllNErrs[3]; #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI MPI_Allreduce(NErrs, AllNErrs, 3, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, Comm); #else AllNErrs[0] = NErrs[0]; AllNErrs[1] = NErrs[1]; AllNErrs[2] = NErrs[2]; #endif if (AllNErrs[0] > 0 || AllNErrs[1] > 0 || AllNErrs[2] > 0) { stringstream ss; ss << "Experienced " << AllNErrs[0] << " I/O error(s), " << AllNErrs[1] << " CRC error(s) and " << AllNErrs[2] << " decompression CRC error(s) reading: " << OpenFileName; throw runtime_error(ss.str()); } #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI MPI_Barrier(Comm); #endif #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI double EndTime = MPI_Wtime(); #else double EndTime = double(clock())/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; #endif double TotalTime = EndTime - StartTime; double MaxTotalTime; #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI if (CollStats) MPI_Reduce(&TotalTime, &MaxTotalTime, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, 0, Comm); else #endif MaxTotalTime = TotalTime; uint64_t AllTotalReadSize; #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI if (CollStats) MPI_Reduce(&TotalReadSize, &AllTotalReadSize, 1, MPI_UINT64_T, MPI_SUM, 0, Comm); else #endif AllTotalReadSize = TotalReadSize; if (Rank == 0 && PrintStats) { double Rate = ((double) AllTotalReadSize) / MaxTotalTime / (1024.*1024.); cout << "Read " << Vars.size() << " variables from " << FileName << " (" << AllTotalReadSize << " bytes) in " << MaxTotalTime << "s: " << Rate << " MB/s [excluding header read]" << endl; } } void GenericIO::getVariableInfo(vector &VI) { assert(FH.getHeaderCache().size() && "HeaderCache must not be empty"); GlobalHeader *GH = (GlobalHeader *) &FH.getHeaderCache()[0]; for (uint64_t j = 0; j < GH->NVars; ++j) { VariableHeader *VH = (VariableHeader *) &FH.getHeaderCache()[GH->VarsStart + j*GH->VarsSize]; string VName(VH->Name, VH->Name + NameSize); size_t VNameNull = VName.find('\0'); if (VNameNull < NameSize) VName.resize(VNameNull); bool IsFloat = (bool) (VH->Flags & FloatValue), IsSigned = (bool) (VH->Flags & SignedValue), IsPhysCoordX = (bool) (VH->Flags & ValueIsPhysCoordX), IsPhysCoordY = (bool) (VH->Flags & ValueIsPhysCoordY), IsPhysCoordZ = (bool) (VH->Flags & ValueIsPhysCoordZ), MaybePhysGhost = (bool) (VH->Flags & ValueMaybePhysGhost); VI.push_back(VariableInfo(VName, (size_t) VH->Size, IsFloat, IsSigned, IsPhysCoordX, IsPhysCoordY, IsPhysCoordZ, MaybePhysGhost)); } } void GenericIO::setNaturalDefaultPartition() { #ifdef __bgq__ Personality_t pers; Kernel_GetPersonality(&pers, sizeof(pers)); // Nodes in an ION Partition int SPLIT_A = 2; int SPLIT_B = 2; int SPLIT_C = 4; int SPLIT_D = 4; int SPLIT_E = 2; int Anodes, Bnodes, Cnodes, Dnodes, Enodes; int Acoord, Bcoord, Ccoord, Dcoord, Ecoord; int A_color, B_color, C_color, D_color, E_color; int A_blocks, B_blocks, C_blocks, D_blocks, E_blocks; uint32_t id_on_node; int ranks_per_node, color; Anodes = pers.Network_Config.Anodes; Acoord = pers.Network_Config.Acoord; Bnodes = pers.Network_Config.Bnodes; Bcoord = pers.Network_Config.Bcoord; Cnodes = pers.Network_Config.Cnodes; Ccoord = pers.Network_Config.Ccoord; Dnodes = pers.Network_Config.Dnodes; Dcoord = pers.Network_Config.Dcoord; Enodes = pers.Network_Config.Enodes; Ecoord = pers.Network_Config.Ecoord; A_color = Acoord / SPLIT_A; B_color = Bcoord / SPLIT_B; C_color = Ccoord / SPLIT_C; D_color = Dcoord / SPLIT_D; E_color = Ecoord / SPLIT_E; // Number of blocks A_blocks = Anodes / SPLIT_A; B_blocks = Bnodes / SPLIT_B; C_blocks = Cnodes / SPLIT_C; D_blocks = Dnodes / SPLIT_D; E_blocks = Enodes / SPLIT_E; color = (A_color * (B_blocks * C_blocks * D_blocks * E_blocks)) + (B_color * (C_blocks * D_blocks * E_blocks)) + (C_color * ( D_blocks * E_blocks)) + (D_color * ( E_blocks)) + E_color; DefaultPartition = color; #else #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI bool UseName = true; const char *EnvStr = getenv("GENERICIO_PARTITIONS_USE_NAME"); if (EnvStr) { int Mod = atoi(EnvStr); UseName = (Mod != 0); } if (UseName) { // This is a heuristic to generate ~256 partitions based on the // names of the nodes. char Name[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME]; int Len = 0; MPI_Get_processor_name(Name, &Len); unsigned char color = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Len; ++i) color += (unsigned char) Name[i]; DefaultPartition = color; } // This is for debugging. EnvStr = getenv("GENERICIO_RANK_PARTITIONS"); if (EnvStr) { int Mod = atoi(EnvStr); if (Mod > 0) { int Rank; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &Rank); DefaultPartition += Rank % Mod; } } #endif #endif } } /* END namespace cosmotk */