/* * Copyright (C) 2015, UChicago Argonne, LLC * All Rights Reserved * * Generic IO (ANL-15-066) * Hal Finkel, Argonne National Laboratory * * OPEN SOURCE LICENSE * * Under the terms of Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 with UChicago Argonne, * LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the names of UChicago Argonne, LLC or the Department of Energy * nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * ***************************************************************************** * * DISCLAIMER * THE SOFTWARE IS SUPPLIED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. NEITHER THE * UNTED STATES GOVERNMENT, NOR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR * UCHICAGO ARGONNE, LLC, NOR ANY OF THEIR EMPLOYEES, MAKES ANY WARRANTY, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OR ASSUMES ANY LEGAL LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE * ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, OR USEFULNESS OF ANY INFORMATION, DATA, APPARATUS, * PRODUCT, OR PROCESS DISCLOSED, OR REPRESENTS THAT ITS USE WOULD NOT INFRINGE * PRIVATELY OWNED RIGHTS. * * ***************************************************************************** */ #ifndef GENERICIO_H #define GENERICIO_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI #include #else #include #endif #include namespace gio { class GenericFileIO { public: virtual ~GenericFileIO() {} public: virtual void open(const std::string &FN, bool ForReading = false) = 0; virtual void setSize(size_t sz) = 0; virtual void read(void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset, const std::string &D) = 0; virtual void write(const void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset, const std::string &D) = 0; protected: std::string FileName; }; #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI class GenericFileIO_MPI : public GenericFileIO { public: GenericFileIO_MPI(const MPI_Comm &C) : FH(MPI_FILE_NULL), Comm(C) {} virtual ~GenericFileIO_MPI(); public: virtual void open(const std::string &FN, bool ForReading = false); virtual void setSize(size_t sz); virtual void read(void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset, const std::string &D); virtual void write(const void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset, const std::string &D); protected: MPI_File FH; MPI_Comm Comm; }; class GenericFileIO_MPICollective : public GenericFileIO_MPI { public: GenericFileIO_MPICollective(const MPI_Comm &C) : GenericFileIO_MPI(C) {} public: void read(void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset, const std::string &D); void write(const void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset, const std::string &D); }; #endif class GenericFileIO_POSIX : public GenericFileIO { public: GenericFileIO_POSIX() : FH(-1) {} ~GenericFileIO_POSIX(); public: void open(const std::string &FN, bool ForReading = false); void setSize(size_t sz); void read(void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset, const std::string &D); void write(const void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset, const std::string &D); protected: int FH; }; class GenericIO { public: enum VariableFlags { VarHasExtraSpace = (1 << 0), // Note that this flag indicates that the // extra space is available, but the GenericIO // implementation is required to // preserve its contents. VarIsPhysCoordX = (1 << 1), VarIsPhysCoordY = (1 << 2), VarIsPhysCoordZ = (1 << 3), VarMaybePhysGhost = (1 << 4) }; struct VariableInfo { VariableInfo(const std::string &N, std::size_t S, bool IF, bool IS, bool PCX, bool PCY, bool PCZ, bool PG) : Name(N), Size(S), IsFloat(IF), IsSigned(IS), IsPhysCoordX(PCX), IsPhysCoordY(PCY), IsPhysCoordZ(PCZ), MaybePhysGhost(PG) {} std::string Name; std::size_t Size; bool IsFloat; bool IsSigned; bool IsPhysCoordX, IsPhysCoordY, IsPhysCoordZ; bool MaybePhysGhost; }; public: struct Variable { template Variable(const std::string &N, T* D, unsigned Flags = 0) : Name(N), Size(sizeof(T)), IsFloat(!std::numeric_limits::is_integer), IsSigned(std::numeric_limits::is_signed), Data((void *) D), HasExtraSpace(Flags & VarHasExtraSpace), IsPhysCoordX(Flags & VarIsPhysCoordX), IsPhysCoordY(Flags & VarIsPhysCoordY), IsPhysCoordZ(Flags & VarIsPhysCoordZ), MaybePhysGhost(Flags & VarMaybePhysGhost) {} Variable(const VariableInfo &VI, void *D, unsigned Flags = 0) : Name(VI.Name), Size(VI.Size), IsFloat(VI.IsFloat), IsSigned(VI.IsSigned), Data(D), HasExtraSpace(Flags & VarHasExtraSpace), IsPhysCoordX((Flags & VarIsPhysCoordX) || VI.IsPhysCoordX), IsPhysCoordY((Flags & VarIsPhysCoordY) || VI.IsPhysCoordY), IsPhysCoordZ((Flags & VarIsPhysCoordZ) || VI.IsPhysCoordZ), MaybePhysGhost((Flags & VarMaybePhysGhost) || VI.MaybePhysGhost) {} std::string Name; std::size_t Size; bool IsFloat; bool IsSigned; void *Data; bool HasExtraSpace; bool IsPhysCoordX, IsPhysCoordY, IsPhysCoordZ; bool MaybePhysGhost; }; public: enum FileIO { FileIOMPI, FileIOPOSIX, FileIOMPICollective }; #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI GenericIO(const MPI_Comm &C, const std::string &FN, unsigned FIOT = -1) : NElems(0), FileIOType(FIOT == (unsigned) -1 ? DefaultFileIOType : FIOT), Partition(DefaultPartition), Comm(C), FileName(FN), SplitComm(MPI_COMM_NULL) { std::fill(PhysOrigin, PhysOrigin + 3, 0.0); std::fill(PhysScale, PhysScale + 3, 0.0); } #else GenericIO(const std::string &FN, unsigned FIOT = -1) : NElems(0), FileIOType(FIOT == (unsigned) -1 ? DefaultFileIOType : FIOT), Partition(DefaultPartition), FileName(FN) { std::fill(PhysOrigin, PhysOrigin + 3, 0.0); std::fill(PhysScale, PhysScale + 3, 0.0); } #endif ~GenericIO() { close(); #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI if (SplitComm != MPI_COMM_NULL) MPI_Comm_free(&SplitComm); #endif } public: std::size_t requestedExtraSpace() const { return 8; } void setNumElems(std::size_t E) { NElems = E; #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI int IsLarge = E >= CollectiveMPIIOThreshold; int AllIsLarge; MPI_Allreduce(&IsLarge, &AllIsLarge, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, Comm); if (!AllIsLarge) FileIOType = FileIOMPICollective; #endif } void setPhysOrigin(double O, int Dim = -1) { if (Dim >= 0) PhysOrigin[Dim] = O; else std::fill(PhysOrigin, PhysOrigin + 3, O); } void setPhysScale(double S, int Dim = -1) { if (Dim >= 0) PhysScale[Dim] = S; else std::fill(PhysScale, PhysScale + 3, S); } template void addVariable(const std::string &Name, T *Data, unsigned Flags = 0) { Vars.push_back(Variable(Name, Data, Flags)); } template void addVariable(const std::string &Name, std::vector &Data, unsigned Flags = 0) { T *D = Data.empty() ? 0 : &Data[0]; addVariable(Name, D, Flags); } void addVariable(const VariableInfo &VI, void *Data, unsigned Flags = 0) { Vars.push_back(Variable(VI, Data, Flags)); } #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI // Writing void write(); #endif // Reading void openAndReadHeader(bool MustMatch = true, int EffRank = -1, bool CheckPartMap = true); int readNRanks(); void readDims(int Dims[3]); // Note: For partitioned inputs, this returns -1. uint64_t readTotalNumElems(); void readPhysOrigin(double Origin[3]); void readPhysScale(double Scale[3]); void clearVariables() { this->Vars.clear(); }; int getNumberOfVariables() { return this->Vars.size(); }; void getVariableInfo(std::vector &VI); std::size_t readNumElems(int EffRank = -1); void readCoords(int Coords[3], int EffRank = -1); int readGlobalRankNumber(int EffRank = -1); void readData(int EffRank = -1, bool PrintStats = true, bool CollStats = true); void close() { FH.close(); } void setPartition(int P) { Partition = P; } static void setDefaultFileIOType(unsigned FIOT) { DefaultFileIOType = FIOT; } static void setDefaultPartition(int P) { DefaultPartition = P; } static void setNaturalDefaultPartition(); static void setDefaultShouldCompress(bool C) { DefaultShouldCompress = C; } #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI static void setCollectiveMPIIOThreshold(std::size_t T) { #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_NEVER_USE_COLLECTIVE_IO CollectiveMPIIOThreshold = T; #endif } #endif protected: std::vector Vars; std::size_t NElems; double PhysOrigin[3], PhysScale[3]; unsigned FileIOType; int Partition; #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI MPI_Comm Comm; #endif std::string FileName; static unsigned DefaultFileIOType; static int DefaultPartition; static bool DefaultShouldCompress; #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI static std::size_t CollectiveMPIIOThreshold; #endif std::vector RankMap; #ifndef GENERICIO_NO_MPI MPI_Comm SplitComm; #endif std::string OpenFileName; // This reference counting mechanism allows the the GenericIO class // to be used in a cursor mode. To do this, make a copy of the class // after reading the header but prior to adding the variables. struct FHManager { FHManager() : CountedFH(0) { allocate(); } FHManager(const FHManager& F) { CountedFH = F.CountedFH; CountedFH->Cnt += 1; } ~FHManager() { close(); } GenericFileIO *&get() { if (!CountedFH) allocate(); return CountedFH->GFIO; } std::vector &getHeaderCache() { if (!CountedFH) allocate(); return CountedFH->HeaderCache; } void allocate() { close(); CountedFH = new FHWCnt; }; void close() { if (CountedFH && CountedFH->Cnt == 1) delete CountedFH; else if (CountedFH) CountedFH->Cnt -= 1; CountedFH = 0; } struct FHWCnt { FHWCnt() : GFIO(0), Cnt(1) {} ~FHWCnt() { close(); } protected: void close() { delete GFIO; GFIO = 0; } public: GenericFileIO *GFIO; size_t Cnt; // Used for reading std::vector HeaderCache; }; FHWCnt *CountedFH; } FH; }; } /* END namespace cosmotk */ #endif // GENERICIO_H